Resist or Engage
22" x 28" Acrylic Paint and resin on panel THE THOUGHT BEHIND THE PAINTING: As I stepped back and looked at the finish piece, I was intrigued with the blank spaces where the resin had avoided going. Why was that? Was there something on the board that caused the resin paint mixture to resist running into that area? I began to ask a bigger question, why do we resist thinking about ideas that may challenge what we believe? Why do we hold others at arms-length who are different than us? What will my choice be – to engage in the difficult, messy parts of our church and culture or resist in an attempt to protect myself? Will I hold onto my life or be willing to lay it down and lose it for His glory regardless of the cost? HOW IT RELATES TO THIS SERIES: I am at a moment where I feel God asking these questions of me. I desire to obey and engage not resist. HOW THE PIECE WAS MADE: Acrylic white and black paints were mixed with resin and then poured onto another surface. That surface was then tipped on end and allowed to drip onto this board. Once the resin was on the final surface that piece of board was tipped back and forth to create the running of this piece. |