One Way to Him (November 2008)
Scripture: Matt. 7:13-14 / Luke 13:22-30 24” x 24” NOT AVAILABLE I really enjoyed working on this painting. It was truly a time of worship. A path beginning in the lower left corner leads the viewer diagonally up the painting to the right were there is a hidden image of a gate. Butted up next to this image is one of a cross, also hidden in the painting. The light yellow colors in the upper right corner serve to represent heaven and the words over the gate as well as the image of the cross aid the viewer in meditating on Christ as the only One we need in order to go to heaven. He says in His word that “no one gets to the Father except through Me (Jesus).” I hope viewers will take the time to study this painting and enter into worship thanking God for His Son being our Salvation. |