Challenged and Offended (April 2014)
Scripture: John 6:60-71 20" x 20" Christ came telling the truth – but the truth was not accepted by some. To others it down right offended them revealing the condition of the heart. When offense to Jesus occurs it is because of the truth. Truth exposes our human desire to be our own god. To be self-sufficient and controller of our lives. An example of this is Judas Iscariot who is represented by the dark shaded circle in the right of the painting. The remaining red and orange circles represent the other 11 disciples who were challenged by Jesus and learned with open hearts. Christ is there too being symbolized as the central circle painted in yellows. The other circles and arrows below the top layer of paint refer to those throughout time who choose to be challenged and follow Christ or who are offended and turn away to be their own god. |