Forgives (April 2014)
Scripture: John 7:53-8:11 When everyone else brought a “sinner” to Christ to condemn them, Jesus did something astounding and forgave them. That is the case with this scripture, a woman was brought before Jesus who was caught in sin and when the crowd desired to stone her He simple called the people out “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” As he continued to write in the ground (referenced by the oil pastel flowing line under the painted layer), the people left leaving the woman there. And Jesus tells her she is forgiven. What a reminder that NO sin is ever too terrible for Jesus to forgive. A reminder to those who know Christ that they too are sinners saved by grace and are in no position to condemn another. May we see one another as Christ sees us and be the first to forgive not the first to throw a stone. |